Offline First Open Source POS for ERPNext

Where can i find this document ?

I just tried the app on my galaxy note 8 and the app crash at startup. Iā€™ll try with another device.

I tried with a bigger tablet and it works!

is this projet dead?
did erpnext incorporate it into v13?
can it only be installed on play store android, or it can be installed in lunux or windows?

if itā€™s dead, any other alternative for retail pos ?

I donā€™t think itā€™s functional any longer or being actively developed.

bad news
so we are back on square one?

I hope you will see this and it donā€™t get delete. i have full function offline windows POS integrated with ERPNext (all version) you can used for free. If you want access to code in git hub you can get it also. Just let me know.

Click this link to download and setup.


Another option is POS Awesome. If you search on the forum thereā€™s a lot of information, and itā€™s actively developed and has features you wonā€™t find in the built-in POS.


Whether POSAwesome also supports offline ?

Iā€™m not sure, but I bet @youssef could answer this.

During the conference, The frappe team said weā€™d have offline in POS about a month after the conference.

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Its online POS only. Does not have offline mode.

We now have a full POS built in flutter for Android, IOS and Windows very powerful solution whatsapp +256393252267 for more information

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