ERPNext FinTS Connector (German Banks)

Hello @jHetzer,

thank you for sharing this idea and your work. Has there been any progress since PSD2?

The guys from ERPNext are looking to make their software EU and Germany ready which will require your work.

Thank you

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Hey Wolfram

I’m happy to hear that ERPNext has interest in this work.
The maintainer of the FinTS Library are still working on the PSD2 Issue. Some banks are already working.
The ERPNextFinTS develop branch is using the PSD2 branch of python-fints which is working fine for e.g. Volksbank (
As soon as more information are available I will check how this can be implemented into the app.

Currently I’m working on a simple way to create customer bank accounts (doctype). During payment import this informations are used to assign the corresponding customer.
(Screenshots will follow)

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thank you for sharing this progress. Volksbank and Kreissparkasse are the main two banks we are looking for at the moment.

Where would this thing go into core? I think this should go some where around “desk#modules/Integrations”.

Please let @Basawaraj_Savalagi know what you need to make this core ready.

As we are looking for KSK Integration for ourselves this would be very interesting for us and also connected to a bounty.

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  • Volksbank and Kreissparkasse are working in my lab. Unfortunately not without quirks but I’m excited what will result from this: PSD2 support by raphaelm · Pull Request #95 · raphaelm/python-fints · GitHub
  • I would suggest so. I think the plaid integration would function as a reference implementation. In regards to plaid integration I do not understand why it relies on the bank reconciliation functionality. Maybe someone can elaborate the benefit compared to importing payment entries
  • I’m still new to the ERPNext cosmos / Open Source collab. / git , maybe @Basawaraj_Savalagi can tell me what would be required to get core ready or what would the ERPNext Community need to adapt my app into the core

My code already starts hassling me and I’m about to rewrite certain parts. I think I could do better and improve it with my current python / javascript knowledge. I started the project as a newbie.

My self-imposed roadmap would look as following:

  • Watch and be support the FinTS Library progress
  • Complete the “Bank Account Wizard” page
  • Rewrite/Improve Code
  • Integrate unit-tests and maybe cypress-tests (personal studies required)

I’m working on this on my free time so I’m not able to propose a schedule, pardon me :slight_smile:

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great work.
like wojosc, i would like the KSK integration too. In fact we planed to do an integration by ourselves, but had no time to do this yet.
If it helps, I would be in for a bounty, too.

I did some testing with the proposed PSD2 testing-script from the FinTS Library which worked for both VoBa and KSK after removing the if f.init_tan_response: part. Cross checking my code lead me to an unnecessary line.

My develop branch should work now for both banks. If someone is will to test please make sure to uninstall fints first with env/bin/pip uninstall fints from the virtualenv.
Check the link for the explantation:

Thanks! I will try that asap!

@joelios I’ll put this on the list. @jHetzer do you support installions too?

Happy to hear that. I would recommend you to use the develop branch with new improvements:

Depends on what you mean

Bank Account Wizard

I mean, do you help integrating the app and take a moment to introduce so we are able to use it and look out for things not to do.

We are happy to compensate on the matter.

Sure, i will pm you

@jHetzer Thank your for your visit in our offices today. Heiko and I where impressed by the maturity of your app. It pretty much does what we need.

@itsdave I am looking to have this implemented in our system tomorrow. I am happy to give you a demo once it’s working.

Please direct your bounty towards @jHetzer

@Basawaraj_Savalagi You should definatelly have a look at this app and we should think about how and where to implement it into core. I think Bank Reconciliation might be doubled here. Also to you, I’ll do a specific demo as the hbci protocoll used for the german banks is something unique to Germany.

@Mario_Truss @Martin_Seibert @dominik is this something you have worked on/solved already?

You all have a nice weekend.


Nope. Did not tackle this yet.

I’d love to see how the whole thing looks in your system, now. Do you think we could schedule a call to give me short presentation?

Sure, once we have it I will let you know (we are waiting for the HBCI credentials from our bank at the moment).


Hi, did you get the app working?
Is it possible to use it in production environment?
I want to use it with Volksbank.

Hello, would also like to know about the project. Thanks.

Hell @mkautenburger @Balacc sorry for not letting you know any earlier. We are using the App in v12 and it works fine. Once you have trained the system by mathing IBANs to customers your good to go and only need to touch payments that aren’t 100% clear.

To make it work you might have to unlock the feature in your online-banking and register for credentials with your bank.

Thanks wojosc for your reply. When we tried to call the bank statement, we get only a JSON file attached, how to proceed from this point?

Import transactions:

then run wizard:

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