Why ERPNext consultancy expensive than other ERPs

Looks like you don’t want to put efforts in learning. There are lots of resources available both in print and video, if someone really want to learn. One can also find solution through ERPNext forum. Both Frappe and ERPNext documents are well written for user and developer.
Self learning is most important.

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You need to chill and really put in some effort into this. I can confidently state that what you are expressing is frustration, and sometimes our state of mind blinds us to reality.

Customizations for ERPNext costs a fraction of what it costs in SAP/Oracles/Navision, a tiny fraction.

And from your write ups above, what you consider customizations are simply system set-ups that anyone with a knowledge of the system will do for you without touching a line of code.

Just chill dude.


This is what I get.
Docs are poor. There’s one or two examples without function description.
Look for eg. C/C++ docs. Every function has description for every parameter.

I also see the frustration in your writing and I’ll mostly blame your venting to that. I get it, I was there once. But just seeing the rate of change of this community has made me so confident that we’ll eventually fix all these kinks, and really, this has humbled me and brought me patience.

Your frustration is important. You aren’t the first and won’t be the last, but what can be done about it?

You can:

  1. Identify the areas of friction and make recommendations or hire someone to create a paid-for solution for others who’ll face the issues that you are facing

  2. Click the create or edit button and start contributing

  3. Propose a better way to handle the areas of friction you’re seeing and someone may eventually incorporate those into a solution

Everything you are seeing here is here because someone didn’t like the status quo and they clicked on the edit button. This could be you bro!


@adam26d, can you advise where can one buy support to fix e.g. stock imbalance caused by Version update? And what is the process? Can you give us steps to follow on procuring support services citing your own experience. Let us please not assume everyone is at the same level of competency/experience on how ERPNext works. I have spent a lot of time learning and researching the application, it was worth the while, but there is a serious blind side on the part of the developers, support and the community, who fail to SEE the common user’s challenges. Listening is a skill by the way, I don’t want to point fingers…if only they could turn and listen to user experience than being abrasive and dismissive.

I’m not @adam26d, but I’ve had positive experiences hiring ERPNext-experienced developers on Upwork. There’s also a telegram group, and many/most of the best service providers are active on these forums.

I have found capable developers on Fivver. Important as with all outsourcing work: define the expected result as detailed as possible.


That’s right. As the last two guys have pointed out, you can:

  1. Hire from upwork and fiverr, erpnext jobs
  2. Telegram
  3. Frappe has a paid support service linked at the top of this forum

I’ve personally helped a lot of people on the platforms above, including this forum - both paid and totally free.

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