Where can I find ERPNext database table in my local machine?

Hi @revant_one,

I am a newbie, this might look a basic doubt to you. But your reply helps me a lot. Basically, I use Postgres in all my projects, I had installed ERPNext Docker image using a single bench method(https://github.com/frappe/frappe_docker/blob/develop/docs/single-bench.md). After I am running the project locally, I have created 1employee. My question is where can I find my database and employee table? . I don’t have mysql server on my machine, do I need to install it first or is there any other GUI?

I meant bench console

Look up your site_config.json
Copy database name

mysql -u root -p

use databasename

If you’ve installed ERPNext, you’re using MariaDB.

you can find it in mariadb container. Run docker ps to find out all containers that are running. Identify name of the mariadb contaier.

then run,

docker exec -it frappe_docker_mariadb_1 mysql -u$DB_USER -p$DB_PASSWORD

or get into the bash shell of container.

docker exec -it frappe_docker_mariadb_1 bash

Thank you very much @revant_one. I am able to check the database and tables. One more doubt, I see that there are bunch of tables, from that how can I find newly created employee details? Is there any file where table names mentioned with what content present inside?