What does the attribute "transactions_annual_history" of "Company" typically contain?

Have we got USD 15 billion in sales and not noticed?

If I make the API call …

curl -s -L -X GET 'https://dev.erpnext.host/api/resource/Company/MyCompany

… the response contains …

             :    :    :    :    :
             :    :    :    :    :
        "tax_id": "1777777654321",
        "monthly_sales_target":  9999.99,
        "transactions_annual_history": "{
            \"1577941200.0\": 3,
            \"1578027600.0\": 18"
             :    :    :    :    :
            "\"1608613200.0\": 8,
             \"1608699600.0\": 23,
             \"1608786000.0\": 7}",
        "total_monthly_sales": 9999.91,
        "default_bank_account": " - Banco Blanco - LSSA",
        "default_cash_account": " - Caja Chica - LSSA",
             :    :    :    :    :
             :    :    :    :    :

What do those transactions_annual_history numbers mean? Why are they there? Where can I see the human readable result?

I suddenly realized that numbers like 1577941200 are Unix Epoch counts of seconds since Thursday, 1 January 1970 00:00:00.

So, transactions_annual_history is simply an array of the count of transactions for each day going back a year, or going back to January 1 of the current year. Not sure which. I guess I’ll know tomorrow.

What counts as an eligible transaction for that count? No idea.

Where’s it used? No idea.