Valuation Rate calculation for sales return

hello Dears

i`v an issue with valuation rate for previous fiscal year sales

So assume that we have an item with following

Opening Balance 1/1 : 303
Valuation rate : 129

and calculating valuation rate well during delivery note till we start accept sales return from previous fiscal year by:

Balance before sales return : 258 Unit
Valuation rate : 129
Balance Value : 258*129 = 33282 EGP

Next transaction Sales return from sales invoice with update stock check :
QTY : 4
New valuation rate : (balance value 33282 ) / new QTY ( 258+4 ) which means that its calculated new valuation rate as 0
Balance Value after Sales return : Same as before 33282 EGP !!!

any idea ??

This link will help you

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if this return is against some sales invoice then it will update the stock value but if its open sales return (with out sales invoice reference) then stock value will not be updated because system will not set incoming rate (as valuation rate in not set in item master i think in your case) and just copy the stock value from previous stock ledger entry and increase the quantity and it will effect valuation rate because quantity is increased but not the stock value.

Check if “stock value difference” field in stock ledger entry is update or not ?