(V12) Employee leave balance report is reporting wrong leave balance if employee has taken half day leave

The half day leave which has been taken by employee is taken as full day leave by the report.

I looked at the code in leave_application.py, the function get_leaves_for_period doesn’t seem to be considering half day leave at all. It simply:

		leave_days += get_number_of_leave_days(employee, leave_type,
			leave_entry.from_date, leave_entry.to_date) * -1

And those employees who have taken half day leaves are having wrong leave balance.

You may want to review this

I have tried out the fix and it works. When will the fix be implemented?

I am also experiencing the same issue. Fixing this will really be helpful


This has already been fixed. Check the below PR:


Hi Reema,

Thanks for your message.

There is still an issue with leave balance calculation.

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I am also facing issues with leave balance report.

An employee applies for leave and HR rejects the application via workflow. But the leave days applied for is still marked as taken even though status is rejected. Only way for employee to have unused leave days back is if rejected leave application is deleted. This practice is not good for records as previous leave applications denied will not be kept on record.

This issue is now resolved in v13.13