Users to edit their own email signature

Is there a way to let users edit their own email signature in the “My Settings” page or somewhere else?

It’s there in the User’s My Settings page.

1.Go to ‘Setup’ Module.
2.Open ‘Users’ doctype.
3.Open required user form.
4.Check In User form ,‘Email Signature’ text area is available .Here user can give his email signature.

Geetanjali Shitole
New Indictrans Technologies Pvt Ltd

In “My Settings”, this Email Settings section is not available to normal users. On user with System Manager role has the access.

The Setup module is also only available to System Manager. Not to normal users.

Fixed the visibility of “Email Signature” to all users via Email Signature visibility and deletion of deprecated fields · nabinhait/frappe@ec02310 · GitHub.

Now it should be visible via “My Settings”.

Thanks. It works now.