Unable to fetch value

Hi there,
I have created a doctype training and also created a child table attendee.
attendee have two fields i.e. attendee id which is a link to employee and another attendee name.
What i am trying to do is display the name of attendee I have selected.

Training Doctype have a field name Attendee which is a table fieldtype and linked to attendee.
i have tried add_fetch method too.

cur_frm.add_fetch(‘attendee_id’, ‘employee_name’, ‘attendee_name’)
the above code is written in attendee.js

What i can do to retrieve value?


add this in training.js and try

No trigger required for add_fetch just write as it is [quote=“Hafees_Kazhunkil, post:3, topic:16360”]
cur_frm.add_fetch(‘attendee_id’, ‘employee_name’, ‘attendee_name’)

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Still no Luck I ll Paste my code so that it ll be easy for you to debug…