Total round off

How to round off Total in purchase order, Below total should be rounded to 4397.00

Go to Setup → Global Settings → Uncheck Disable Rounded Total
This will automatically round off the total.


i have unchecked… still persisting same problem…


bench update

and check it. If you’re running older version that might some issues.

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thanks @rk_root for revert. i am running newer versions only.

Go to your currency (INR) in Currency and check to see if the rounding number there is what you actually want it be. For some months the default USD rounding was $0.05 and it was driving me crazy and I wasn’t sure where to find it, but I believe it has since been fixed.

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thanks for the response will check out

Hi @shahid ,
Any guideline to put that code ? in print format or system file ?

Put that code in Custom Script.