Total Payment Amount in Payment Schedule must be equal to Grand / Rounded Total

Hello, can someone please help. We are having an issue creating a Sales Order with 2 items:

One for $1,360.00 and the other for $1,480.00, so subtotal is $2,840

Sales tax is 7.00% as $198.80

Grand Total is $3,038.80

Payment Terms are 70% initially as $2,127.16, and 30% later as $911.64

When we enter this in the Sales Order and try to save we get a popup that says:

Total Payment Amount in Payment Schedule must be equal to Grand / Rounded Total

What are we doing wrong? How can we fix this?

Thanks for any help you can give.

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simulated the exact same issue, confirmed it is a bug, will create a PR to fix it.


hi @szufisher

I had the sort of the same problem but in this case it was from Sales Order to Purchase order.

Raised the same in Github

Though i resolved that particular Purchase order by changes the decimals of the currency exchange to 2 digits rather than the default 3 ( i.e from 0.467 to 0.47)

But the issue still remains.

Thank you.

Has there been any progress fixing this bug?

We have migrated our ERPNEXT from v12 to v13 and the message " Total Payment Amount in Payment Schedule must be equal to Grand / Rounded Total" occurred on a

ERPNext: v13.5.2 (HEAD)
Frappe Framework: v13.5.2 (HEAD)

Is it possible that all resolved bugs from v12 just like the link below will again be available on the v13? Is it a good idea to migrate our ERPNEXT to the v13 if bugs that are solved being visible again? Any suggestions?

Had the same issue fixed with
setting Precision of Payment amount in Payment schedule to 2.