Submit process COA

Hi! I submitted one COA, my question is when merge whit the Master Branch o how is the politic of COA?


Can you please let me know which chart of account have you submitted? As of now, there is no policy about merging COA. As per our availability, we test those COA and include in the repo.

Hi @nabinhait, the Argentina - Chart of Accounts.

Would the correct way be posting a problem in github?

Yeah, may be creating github issue is also a good idea. But in this case, it is not required. I will test and include the COA for Argentina in the next week, added in my todo list.

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Hi Nabit! Any news for this integration?


I have sent a pull request for your contributed charts, it will me merged soon.

I have also added a “Download” button in the submitted charts page, so now you can download the json file and use it immediately. Check help page for more details.

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Hi Nabin!, I have a question. In the 8.9.0 version, the COA of Argentina was merged, but I don’t understand how can I set this COA to be used in my instance.
I already created a new instance with the last version (8.10.1) and I chosen Argentina in the Wizard.


Hi @nabinhait, any suggestion for this?
