Socketio.1 Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

Hi Everyone,

Im trying to customize the items grid using the customer and suddenly the page returns modal with “Invalid Request Message”

Restart the server, and try to bench start again, but i see the following error:

04:25:36 redis_cache.1 | 2670:M 09 Nov 04:25:36.448 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 13000
04:25:39 socketio.1 | listening on *: 9000
04:25:42 socketio.1 | { Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
04:25:42 socketio.1 | at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:1026:11)
04:25:42 socketio.1 | at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1049:20)
04:25:42 socketio.1 | at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1085:14)
04:25:42 socketio.1 | code: ‘ECONNREFUSED’,
04:25:42 socketio.1 | errno: ‘ECONNREFUSED’,
04:25:42 socketio.1 | syscall: ‘connect’,
04:25:42 socketio.1 | address: ‘’,
04:25:42 socketio.1 | port: 8000,
04:25:42 socketio.1 | response: undefined }

Any ideas?


It seems like you have stale bench process already bind to port, because of which bench is refusing to connect.

  • check ps aux | grep frappe or ps aux | grep bench and

  • Kill all the processes related to frappe and bench.

Hope this helps to solve the error

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Thank you, for some reason the Bend was running in background.