SCHLOG, not going away even if "Seen"

I am on a new installation (VBox VM so far) and so called Scheduler Logs keep popping up. I think they inform me that email settings do not work yet (which is not a problem right now)

My problem is that they I keep being notified of all SCHLOG’s with a ref bubble. Not matter wheter I have seen them or haven’t

tried to press SAVE when actually looking at the SCHLOG but that only gets me

Error: Document has been modified after you have opened it (2016-09-12
09:52:08.015262, 2016-09-14 08:55:49.090147). Please refresh to get the
latest document.

btw, when I open the SCHLOG it is marked as Seen
So, how can I teach the system that I have seen a SCHLOG, so it does not feel the urge to notify me of that any longer?

@vrms We are working on this issue, will fix this in V7.1. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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true. this seems to be solved with 7.1 … well done, thanks