Salary Slip Restricted despite HR Manager Permissions


Despite have permissions of HR Manager (in fact, ALL permissions are granted to me), my account cannot see payslips from other users after I’ve created them. This means that after they’ve been created for the salary slip period, I cannot see them to submit them. I have to grant that user HR Manager permissions and log in as them to submit the salary slip, which is clearly very bad.

In the salary slip page, a little Restricted icon appears in the top right hand corner and only my slips are shown. I cannot get the other slips to show even if I change the filters.

This is an issue every month, now even more so with year end. Is anybody else experiencing this issue?

Chances are, the employee had Employee role, and Create User Permission selected.

Try the steps below.

  • Deselect Create User Permission. from the Employee page, ERPNEXT User Section.


  • Then manually delete the employee restriction from Setup → User Permissions.

For such a case, there will be two records, one for company, the other for Employee, delete the employee record one.

Deselecting Create User Permission should do the above automatically, I suppose, raised it here: Unticking Create User Permission on Employee should clear restriction on employee list if roles have changed · Issue #16511 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub

Yes, that solved it. Thank you.