Query Report: Pending Purchase Request


I am trying to make this query report but I am unable to get the report to run. Please let me know where am I wrong on this one:

 tabPurchase Request.name as “Indent No”,
 tabPurchase Request.transaction_date as “Indent Date”,
 tabPurchase Request Item.item_code as “Item Code”,
 tabPurchase Request Item.description as “Description”,
 tabPurchase Request Item.qty as “Qty”,
 tabPurchase Request Item.uom as "UoM",<br>&nbsp;tabPurchase Request Item.ordered_qty as "Ordered"<br><br>from<br>&nbsp;tabPurchase Request,tabPurchase Request Item<br>where<br>&nbsp;tabPurchase Request Item.parent=tabPurchase Request.name<br>&nbsp;and tabPurchase Request.status = "Submitted"<br>&nbsp;and tabPurchase Request.transaction_date &lt;= curdate()<br>&nbsp;and ifnull(tabPurchase Request Item.ordered_qty,0) &lt; ifnull(tabPurchase Request Item.qty,0)<br>&nbsp;and tabPurchase Request.status = "Submitted"<br>order by tabPurchase Request.transaction_date` desc

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