Query: How to make login IDs for Sales reps which could add more functionality to the system?

There seems to be a provision for creating Login Ids for Vendors,
Customers, Sales Partners etc but I can’t seem to find a way to create
a login id for sales reps.

Am I missing something?

This is required because:

Say if a quotation is created by a manager then obviously he would
want that some follow up is done on that quote. Now for this he would
assign a particular date and sales rep for this follow up.

Now on creating a follow-up a calendar entry is created, my query is:

  1. Shouldn’t this calendar entry be created for both the manager and
    the sales rep so that sales rep knows he has been assigned something
    and the manager can be reminded by the calendar entry that his sales
    rep needs to contact the customer regarding a particular quotation.

Hi Aditya,

You can assign "Sales User" role to a sales rep. The manager can select the sales rep's name in "next contact by" field to assign him the lead/enquiry. I will check if we can update calendar of both people, the one who has assigned and the one who has been assigned.

Hope this helps.


On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 6:37 PM, Aditya Duggal <ad…@rigpl.com> wrote:

There seems to be a provision for creating Login Ids for Vendors,
Customers, Sales Partners etc but I can't seem to find a way to create
a login id for sales reps.

Am I missing something?

This is required because:

Say if a quotation is created by a manager then obviously he would
want that some follow up is done on that quote. Now for this he would
assign a particular date and sales rep for this follow up.

Now on creating a follow-up a calendar entry is created, my query is:

1. Shouldn't this calendar entry be created for both the manager and
the sales rep so that sales rep knows he has been assigned something
and the manager can be reminded by the calendar entry that his sales
rep needs to contact the customer regarding a particular quotation.

Thanks and Regards,
Rahul Sheth
Phone: 022 65265364
Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd.