[New Control] [Contribution] Signature

Just merged Signature control contributed by @nathan_dole in develop

You can add a field with control “Signature” and the data will be stored as a base64 image.


Great feature!

Is it saved as private, or public?

Dataurl in LONG TEXT

sounds fancy … what’s the practical usecase?

A common example would be approval of documents. Signature will certify that the document is valid. Users will now be able to do that by using their handheld devices or any other touchscreen device

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you have a way to keep things foggy.

do you mean user A makes an Invoice ang then makes a finger written signature on his/her mobile phone, which is stored as an attachment to the Invoice ?

yup you got it right

riddle solved them

Nice! :slight_smile: Is it also possible to upload a png image which stores the signature instead of signing the document using a smartphone, tablet or signature tablet?


Great friends
A customer of mine need this feature.Is it merged to Master now.And how is it being customised in the delivery note because i tried to customise the delivery note by selecting the Signature Type and updated the document ,i could not see the update when i opened another delivery note.Kindly guide.I believe i am missing something.

@Fred1 you need to create a Custom Field of type “Signature”

@littlehera: You could add the standard attach image field to the doctype, test if that has a value, then hide the signature docfield. That seems easy enough that even I could do it!

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