Need help activating my account

Presently am posting through an activated account that worked via one of my alternate Gmail accounts but problem is that I would rather use my company e-mail as my login to this discussion board. Your ERPNext bot keeps telling me that an activation e-mail has been sent to (my official company e-mail) and I am not receiving such e-mail (must be bouncing somewhere). Could someone kindly help me troublshoot what bouncing message might be taking place on the source side of the sent activation e-mail?


I can be contacted at


Welcome to erpnext sparky!

That sounds like an internal admin support request -

For those sort of requests maybe try

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@sparky Reset password email has been sent to you. Please check and update the password.

Hello Dhananjay,

Blog Post and Web Page is designed to be public by default. Can you please share the use-case?