Issue with patches during update


# Copyright (c) 2017, Frappe and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe

def execute():
	frappe.reload_doc('manufacturing', 'doctype', 'bom_item')
	frappe.reload_doc('manufacturing', 'doctype', 'bom_explosion_item')
	frappe.reload_doc('manufacturing', 'doctype', 'bom_scrap_item')
	frappe.db.sql("update `tabBOM Item` set stock_qty = qty, uom = stock_uom, conversion_factor = 1")
	frappe.db.sql("update `tabBOM Explosion Item` set stock_qty = qty")
	frappe.db.sql("update `tabBOM Scrap Item` set stock_qty = qty")

Came across this patch while running a bench update, the last SQL statement fails as “qty” column does not exist on tabBOM Scrap Item in the latest release. Putting this up, so that if it needs to be fixed it can be taken up as an issue.

try if this works?

frappe.reload_doc('manufacturing', 'doctype', 'bom_scrap_item', force=True)