Is this normal behaviour of frappe.utils.getdate()?

Somehow frappe.utils.getdate() changing date format and returning completely a different date of the input. dd-mm-yyyy is set in my ERPNext Setting.

Is this normal? how can I retrieve the weekday name then?

Thanks and Regards

what I know is frappe.utils.getdate always use yyyy-mm-dd format

there is frappe.utils.dateutils.parse_date which convert user_format to yyyy-mm-dd

but I guess it doesn’t work in safe_exec from UI

Workaround solution could be:

date_str = "10-12-2021 23:31:39"
date_format = frappe.db.get_default("date_format") or "yyyy-mm-dd"
date_str = date_str[0:len(date_format)]

dem = "-"
date_format_comp = date_format.split(dem)
if len(date_format_comp) < 3: 
    dem = "."
    date_format_comp = date_format.split(dem)
if len(date_format_comp) < 3: 
    dem = "/"
    date_format_comp = date_format.split(dem)

yyyy_index = date_format_comp.index("yyyy")
mm_index = date_format_comp.index("mm")
dd_index = date_format_comp.index("dd")
date_list = date_str.split(dem)
date_list = [date_list[yyyy_index], date_list[mm_index], date_list[dd_index]]

date_str = "-".join(date_list)


date = frappe.utils.getdate(date_str)
day = frappe.utils.get_weekday(date)
