Installation Error Easy Install Ubuntu 16.04 Server

Hi, I am having this error when installing in production –

Please help! Thank you.

Half of the system shows python 2.7, and the other half python 3.5 - I think this is where the problem lies

Yeah, this is actually my 3rd time installing it in Ubuntu 16.04 Server. The 1st one was smooth, that was a year ago. Then a couple of months back, I did another install and encountered the wheel cryptography error but I was able to resolved it. This time, looks like a dead end for me. I tried all the suggestions here and outside this forum but none of them works.

Set your environment to 3.x, and reinstall

Having similar problems - Ubuntu 18.04, and have made sure python 3.6.9 is being used. Easy install still failing with similar error.

Did you find a solution to this?

Unfortunately none at the moment. I even tried it in 20.04 but still the same, no luck.

adduser [make a user]
usermod -aG sudo [new user]
sudo su [new user]
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get install python3.6
sudo python3 --production --user [new user] --version 12 --site [] --mysql-root-password [password] --admin-password [GUI Admin Password]  --verbose

Try this for Ubuntu 20 on fresh VPS. This is a custom script.

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