In doctor login healthcare practitioner field name deault set as the login name

when doctor login and give prescription that time in healthcare practitioner field set as that login user name how we can do it

I have write this code in healthcare practitioner take user email id but i want user full name

Hi @Rahul7218,

Please use frappe.session.user_fullname instead of the frappe.session.user

Thank You!

Thank You

But when i try to save patient encounter then show error

User does not have permission to create a Patient Encounter. Please check the role permissions for the Patient Encounter doctype and enable create permission for all roles.

I have give permission for patient encounter

No knowledge about the healthcare module, but the issue is related to permissions.

ok thank you

Please verify if the user(doctorvivek) has been assigned a doctor role or not.

If user has a role, then perhaps you need to check the code in the backend.