How to remove item from Shopping Cart

I don’t find a way to remove items from shopping cart? Alo, we cannot add qty to item in shopping cart?
Using v6.27.17

I found it…shopping cart is Quotation DRAFT…

Users have to go to quotation page to edit shopping cart?

But for end-users / customers, I think they must be easy way to remove items, cancel shopping cart or to update qty inside shopping cart page… it’s standard behavior on all eCommerce sites …

Just need to reduce the number of quantities to zero.

its not working…if we put zero then it refresh back to qty 1

I’m curious …does shopping cart design work this way? End users cannot remove items/cancel cart? System users from back-end would have to do that in quotation doctype?

Please anybody to advise…

works fine with me…use erpnext cloud…