How to fix wrong stock entry after 6 moths of work

Dear friends,
we’ve made a mistake in the starting of a new company with the stock entry of materials. In our system, we did not do it through the sales invoice e.t.c. For now, the system sees it as we’ve got it for free instead of expenses for purchasing. The problem is that we have made a lot of stock entries during our manufacturing process and there is no way to delete or amend that entry. Who can help with this problem maybe from the “back door”?

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Make a stock reconciliation entry

the problem is not only about materials on,y, but addition costs also (custom clearance, unload fees e.t.c.) so i want to cancel that entry and make it correct way from the Purchace Invoice and everything like that.
I guess “reconciliation” can be used only in case of warehouse audit if something missing or calculeted wrongly.

I guess your problem is that you are not able to delete the stock entry. If yes then I guess you can allow negative stock in setup. That should allow to delete the stock entry. I will recommend very strongly to reset it back later on.


Yes, exactly! When I try to cancel/delete it- the system can’t let is because all the entries interconnected with each other. How to select “negative stock”?

In stock>setup you have an option to enable negative stock.


Let me try

Yes, everything has been fixed :ok_hand: :pray: