How to create a pop up window, like advanced search in Links?

Hi there,

any hint on how to create a pop up like Advanced Search in Links? see pic:

I found:

var d = new frappe.ui.Dialog({
    'fields': [
        {'fieldname': 'ht', 'fieldtype': 'HTML'},
        {'fieldname': 'today', 'fieldtype': 'Date', 'default': frappe.datetime.nowdate()}
    primary_action: function(){
});$wrapper.html('Hello World');;

but not very clear, thx in advance.


I think the field should be of Link also

@johnskywalker what u mean? I do not need links …i need to display values in the same way Advanced Search are shown, no need to be links …

yes, those functionalities works only if the fieldtype is Link

@johnskywalker so i can’t display values from a Doctype in a Dialog if not links?

what values do you want to show by the way? you can show values but Advanced Search and other functionality is only available for Links

@johnskywalker basically i’ve a DocType, Item Price History and i want to display values in a Dialog called from a custom button field in Item Price, passing Item Code and Price List.

I would suggest having the button in every row of your item child table. So if you click on it, you will pass the particular item and display price history for that item only

@johnskywalker yes, i’ve a button on Item Price …btw i’m struggling on how to display data in the Dialog; i got i’ve to call a method, but i’m not getting how to display the result from callback …can u help?

I have created like this, try playing with it

cur_frm.cscript.price_bt = function (doc, cdt, cdn) {

var d = locals[cdt][cdn];{
    method: "",
    args: {
        "item_code": d.item_code,
    callback: function (r) {

        if (r['message'].message) {
            console.log("RIGHT HERE");
              if (r['message'].message.length > 0) {
                var html_str = '<b>Purchased</b><br><table class="table table-bordered" width="100%"><thead><tr>' +
                    '<th bgcolor="#F7FFFE">Date</th><th bgcolor="#F7FFFE">Supplier</th><th bgcolor="#F7FFFE">Country</th><th bgcolor="#F7FFFE">Rate</th></tr></thead>' +

                for (i = 0; i < r['message'].message.length; i++) {
                    if (r['message'].message[i].status == "Purchased") {
                        html_str += '<tr><td>' + r['message'].message[i].date + '</td><td>' + r['message'].message[i].supplier + '</td><td>' +
                            r['message'].message[i].country + '</td><td>' + r['message'].message[i].rate + '</td></tr>'


                html_str += '</tbody></table>'

                html_str += '<b>Quoted</b><br><table class="table table-bordered" width="100%"><thead><tr>' +
                    '<th bgcolor="#F7FFFE">Date</th><th bgcolor="#F7FFFE">Supplier</th><th bgcolor="#F7FFFE">Country</th><th bgcolor="#F7FFFE">Rate</th></tr></thead>' +

                for (i = 0; i < r['message'].message.length; i++) {
                    if (r['message'].message[i].status == "Quoted") {
                        html_str += '<tr><td>' + r['message'].message[i].date + '</td><td>' + r['message'].message[i].supplier + '</td><td>' +
                            r['message'].message[i].country + '</td><td>' + r['message'].message[i].rate + '</td></tr>'

                html_str += '</tbody></html>'
                msgprint(html_str, 'Price List for ' + d.item_code);
            else {
                alert('No price list history for ' + d.item_code);



@johnskywalker Thx i’ll have a look!

Hi @johnskywalker i exactly have the same need to show customer price history…but user then can click the price for the history list…the selected price then applied to rate field of selected item.

Do you have an example to start to render the link per item list and manage the click action…
