How to add item rate in percentage

How to add item rate in percentage , bez my service item is based on to total values X%

May we know how the rate is applied, for example is the rate the same for all other items, or is it different for different items, groups or bundles? Or a service item to be calculated based on the net total , and added to transaction. Have Pricing Rules been considered?

basically we are HR Services and our item is payroll which based on Percentage of CTC

Example if my CTC is 50000 the my charge to be 5% of CTC


Would Sales Partner with comission be an option, or a Salary component?

my concern for sales item not for sales partner commission

How is the CTC calculated and entered into the accounting system? Is it an Item in itself and a second Item needs to be created based on that and added to an invoice?

I think you can achieve this with a small custom script.

You should add one custom field in the item where you can define your percentage.

You should add two more fields in sales order item or sales invoice item like ‘Service Total’ and ‘Percentage’(Percentage should be auto fetch from item).

You have to write the custom script on ‘Service Total’ for example your service total is 10,000/- and commission percentage is 10% then your custom script will calculate rate and set into rate field so all other calculation automatically done by erpnext script.

below example script may be helpful you.

frappe.ui.form.on('Sales Invoice Item', {
	service_total(frm,cdt,cdn) {
		// your code here
	    var doc = locals[cdt][cdn];
	    if(doc.service_total && doc.percentage) {