Holiday Calendar to appear on the website

Hello All,

I am trying to get the Holiday list calendar to appear on the website. It currently appears in the desk view but not on the website.

This is a public holiday calendar and I am trying to make it available to website users.

This module can be found here; Human Resources> Holiday List

Thank you!

I was able to edit the docType and add a route.

After which I went to the website settings and added a new menu for the holiday list calendar.

I am getting the following error now

You may try Role Permissions Manager for document type Holiday List by adding another role i.e. All and keeping only “Read” permission.

You should explore this documentation:


Thanks for replying. I tried that but it didn’t work it still gives the same error message

It might be because of those earlier changes made. If it isn’t, please try once Restore Original Permission. Still, not. Ping here, community is always here for you.


Unfortunately, I am still getting the following error message

The problem seems to be with the website settings.