Gant / Calender view inconsistencies


I am seeing some inconsistencies in the Gant/Calender view when viewing tasks ( Project )

Screenshots taken on ERPNext 13.27.1

Task has been defined as starting on 13-5 ending on 17-5

In this view it seems to indicated a start time of 00h00 on 13-5 ending on 24h00 on 17-5
This is correct.

Then when you change to half-day in gant-view, it seems to start on 12h00 on 13-5 ending
on 12h00 on 18-5

Going to calender view …

This is for a “month” resolution …

And this is for a “week” resolution…

If you zoom in, I can see what seems to be a time indication …12a … 12am ??

And yet, when defining a task, there is no where to set the time. I can just set the date ??

Am i missing something.

I think the first thing to do is to fix the inconsistency - we should stick with full day (like it is in the “Day” mode now).

But over the long time, allowing users to set the time might be a useful feature.