Function of Asset Depreciataion calculation by daily

Currently I consider to proceed PoC of ERPNext for Thailand company
I would like to know how to set up in ERPNext for below scenarios (straight-line method)

For example
Asset value: 182500
Useful Life : 5 year (60 month)
Asset purchased = 2019/10/19

Korea : Monthly Depreciation with fixed amount
1st depreciation (2019/10) : 3083 (No digit on KRW)
2nd Depreciation (2019/11) : 3083
3rd Depreciation (2019/12) : 3083

Thailand : Daily Deprecation calculation
(182500/ 365 / 5 = 100 / day)
1st depreciation (2019/10) : 1,200 (100 * 12 [19~31])
2nd depreciation (2019/11) : 3,000 (100 * 30[1~30])
3rd depreciation (2019/12) : 3,100 (100 * 31[1~31])

Can you guide me if it is available to setup on current ERPNext version
or should I need to report in Github for improvement?

Thanks in advance