Filter for "shared" tasks

Hallo, as a solution instead of assigning a task to a user, i found the functionality, that i can share a task to an employee.

I the role manager, i can restrict the tasks, so he can see only those tasks, which are shared with him.

My qustion:
how to set up a filter in the task-list, to see which tasks are shared (and which user)


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For now, filter is not available for the Shared Task. Perhaps you can assign Tags along, just for your reference. Please create a Github Issue for assignment based on Shared feature.

Thanks, i creatd an issue in github.

As a workaround, i found out, that i can set a tag inside issue.
Inside task-list list, i can click on this tag and see all tasks setup with this tag. but that needed manually tagging.
the filter would be the best.

A filter for “Shared with” would be useful in all doctypes, similar to the present “Assigned to” filter