Error with internet explorer

Hi all,
I have these error when i tried run erpnext on internet explorer
how can i solve it?


Have you tried any other browser aside from Internet Explorer?

Yes, and it works in all
but I want to run it via explorer

I believe this is a browser-specific error, especially that there are some functions used were not supported by the Internet Explorer of older versions.

means in erpnext old version or explorer?

I know that the browser is the problem but how can I solve it or in any version of internet explorer expnext works


Yes. The older version of the Internet Explorer won’t support ERPnext. As this involves to the API being used by the ERPnext that were not present in the older versions of the Internet Explorer.

but I have Internet Explorer with v10
it means , erpnext should support it

Just for clarification, you’re using Edge in the screenshot, not Internet Explorer.

Maybe create github issues for problems with Edge.


Yes and I tried it on Internet Explorer also, the same result