Error on retry-upgrade

Hi, i am trying to upgrade an old site from V4 to V6, and when i run “bench retry-upgrade” i get the following error:

Any suggestions?

This has been fixed try updating again (if you are on develop branch)

Well i switched to develop, and the “rename file data” went fine but later in the patching sequence i found another problem:

Well i think that the problem is that the Round Off Account was not an option in V4, and it was created later with blank value.


Comment out that patch fix_expense_included_in_valuation from patches.txt, then try updating again.

After the migration, set the “Round Off” account in Company master, add the patch again in patches.txt. And then update again.

Well that is working fine, maybe the “Round off” account shoud be automatically set to “Rounded Off - Company” on creation.

Thanks a lot for your help.