Error in Eway Bill Generation

Hello I am getting the following error when I try to upload the JSON file generated from ERPNext

Tot.Taxble Val+SGST+CGST+IGST+Cess+Cess Non Advol+Other Amount is greater than Total Inv.Value.

For reference, JSON file generated is as below

“billLists”: [
“OthValue”: 0,
“TotNonAdvolVal”: 0,
“actualFromStateCode”: 19,
“actualToStateCode”: 11,
“cessValue”: 0.0,
“cgstValue”: 0.0,
“docDate”: “21/05/2020”,
“docNo”: “VID-2020-00033-2”,
“docType”: “INV”,
“fromAddr1”: “xxxxxxxxxxxxxx”,
“fromAddr2”: “xxxxxxx”,
“fromGstin”: “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”,
“fromPincode”: xxxxxxx,
“fromPlace”: “xxxxxxxx”,
“fromStateCode”: 19,
“fromTrdName”: “xxxxxxxxxxx”,
“igstValue”: 28681.79,
“itemList”: [
“cessNonAdvol”: 0,
“cessRate”: 0,
“cgstRate”: 0,
“hsnCode”: 84501100,
“igstRate”: 18.0,
“qtyUnit”: “”,
“sgstRate”: 0,
“taxableAmount”: 33542.372880999996
“cessNonAdvol”: 0,
“cessRate”: 0,
“cgstRate”: 0,
“hsnCode”: 84182100,
“igstRate”: 18.0,
“qtyUnit”: “”,
“sgstRate”: 0,
“taxableAmount”: 110601.694915
“cessNonAdvol”: 0,
“cessRate”: 0,
“cgstRate”: 0,
“hsnCode”: 85287218,
“igstRate”: 18.0,
“qtyUnit”: “”,
“sgstRate”: 0,
“taxableAmount”: 15199.152542
“sgstValue”: 0.0,
“subSupplyType”: 1,
“supplyType”: “O”,
“toAddr1”: “xxxxxx”,
“toAddr2”: “xxxxxxx”,
“toGstin”: “xxxxxxxx”,
“toPincode”: xxxxx,
“toPlace”: “xxxxxx”,
“toStateCode”: 11,
“toTrdName”: “xxxxxxx”,
“totInvValue”: 188025.0,
“totalValue”: 188025.0,
“transDistance”: 102,
“transDocDate”: “21/05/2020”,
“transDocNo”: “”,
“transMode”: 1,
“transType”: 1,
“transporterId”: “xxxxxx”,
“transporterName”: “xxxxxxxxxxx”,
“userGstin”: “xxxxxxxxx”,
“vehicleType”: “R”
“version”: “1.0.1118”

Is this happening because of the rounding off error?

Question 2 on Page of EwaybillFAQ suggests that rounding off of Rs2.00 is permissible to allow for rounding off, but the language is not very clear

Has anyone faced a similar problem?

Can you try removing totalValue from JSON and then uploading? It’s optional (spec). There might be an alert but it can be ignored. This value is being fetched from total field in Sales Invoice and is not as expected for you because tax is probably included in the basic rate. A fix will be required to reverse calculate the totalValue for such cases.

Hi Sagar
Thanks for your response.
The validation error is on Total Inv. Value, I don’t think removing the totalvalue will solve the problem.
What kind of fix will be required to solve this problem?
We will have to round off the numbers while creating the Json or store rounding off number as Other value, then the totals might match.

Even I’m facing the same error, @Manan_Shah did you find the fix?