Employee Grade mapping with Leave Policy and Salary Structure

I am not able to get the Employee Grade feature working as intended.
Steps performed

  1. Created an Employee Grade- Manager and Assigned Default Leave Policy and Default Salary Structure to the Employee Grade
  2. Created an Employee and defined the Grade as Manager
  3. On defining the Employee Grade on Employee Master, the system should consider the Leave Policy and Salary Structure defined on Employee Grade a default for the Employee.

Bug: The system is not assigning default Leave Policy and Salary Structure, I tried creating a Payroll Entry.

Has anyone tested or used this feature?


The system won’t automatically assign a Leave Policy and Salary Structure. You will have to manually assign the same.


@Manan_Shah, I’ve tried it too and it’s not working as intended. @michelle, the core purpose of this mapping is that the salary structure should be defined automatically when the grade of the employee is changed.

It’s a bug and I request for it’s fix. It’s a good feature which would be really helpful.



Salary structure may vary for 2 employees even if the grade is the same. Hence, you have to manually assign the salary structures. Also, the grade may remain the same for few years but the salary and leave policy will change every year.



I understand your point. But it that case, either it should add another field to support this feature, or based on some other pre-existing field like group or something because it’s an important feature and assigning salary structure manually might be a tedious job for ERPNext users.

Hope you understand.



Yes, you are correct, assigning salary structures every time is a tedious job but currently ERPNext does not support the feature of bulk assigning / editing.
