Easy installation script stucked at ( Task : python3 bench init for production )

Hello everyone
i am trying to install erpnext version-12 for production on separate server and restoring the database backup from version9.
In first attempt i was able to install erpnext version-12 but while restoring the database got error. and then tried different method by searching on google. finally every thing messed up. so i just uninstall erpnext v-12 and trying to install erpnext v-12 on the same server by erasy installation script. But all the time easy script stuck on “Task : python3 bench initr for production”.
and when i open ip in browser its display ""Sorry!
We will be back soon. “”
Any help.
Thank you.

I guess upgrading from a version 9 system will require a step by step approach to incorporate the data structure difference. 9 to 10, 10 to 11 and up

Installation issue is another matter after you handle this situation.


thanks for the information