Docker Update Stuck

I tried updating the docker image now it’s stuck


Can you share the logs of container that ran migration?


logs erpnext_site-creator_1 -f

Attempt 1 to connect to mariadb:3306
Attempt 1 to connect to redis-queue:6379
Attempt 1 to connect to redis-cache:6379
Attempt 1 to connect to redis-socketio:6379
Connections OK
Site xxx already exists

run following:

docker logs erpnext_erpnext-python_1 -f

The log runs and then got stuck I have got only this much output
Attempt 1 to connect to mariadb:3306
Attempt 1 to connect to redis-queue:6379
Attempt 1 to connect to redis-cache:6379
Attempt 1 to connect to redis-socketio:6379
Connections OK
[2021-01-08 12:16:24 +0000] [20] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.10.0
[2021-01-08 12:16:24 +0000] [20] [INFO] Listening at: (20)
[2021-01-08 12:16:24 +0000] [20] [INFO] Using worker: gthread
[2021-01-08 12:16:24 +0000] [23] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 23
[2021-01-08 12:16:24 +0000] [24] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 24
Attempt 1 to connect to mariadb:3306
Attempt 1 to connect to redis-queue:6379
Attempt 1 to connect to redis-cache:6379
Attempt 1 to connect to redis-socketio:6379
Connections OK
[2021-01-08 14:06:42 +0000] [20] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.10.0
[2021-01-08 14:06:42 +0000] [20] [INFO] Listening at: (20)
[2021-01-08 14:06:42 +0000] [20] [INFO] Using worker: gthread
[2021-01-08 14:06:42 +0000] [23] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 23
[2021-01-08 14:06:42 +0000] [24] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 24
Attempt 1 to connect to mariadb:3306
Attempt 1 to connect to redis-queue:6379
Attempt 1 to connect to redis-cache:6379
Attempt 1 to connect to redis-socketio:6379
Connections OK
[2021-01-08 14:28:48 +0000] [20] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.10.0
[2021-01-08 14:28:48 +0000] [20] [INFO] Listening at: (20)
[2021-01-08 14:28:48 +0000] [20] [INFO] Using worker: gthread
[2021-01-08 14:28:48 +0000] [23] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 23
[2021-01-08 14:28:48 +0000] [24] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 24

Everything seems okay.

You can set following to 0 in common_site_config.json/site_config.json, wherever found.

"maintenance_mode": 0,
"pause_scheduler": 0

Refer frappe_docker/ at main · frappe/frappe_docker · GitHub for how to edit files.

Ok Got it unstuck but not authenticating

docker logs erpnext_erpnext-python_1 -f

Attempt 1 to connect to mariadb:3306
Attempt 1 to connect to redis-queue:6379
Attempt 1 to connect to redis-cache:6379
Attempt 1 to connect to redis-socketio:6379
Connections OK
[2021-01-08 22:10:15 +0000] [20] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.10.0
[2021-01-08 22:10:15 +0000] [20] [INFO] Listening at: (20)
[2021-01-08 22:10:15 +0000] [20] [INFO] Using worker: gthread
[2021-01-08 22:10:15 +0000] [23] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 23
[2021-01-08 22:10:15 +0000] [24] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 24
Attempt 1 to connect to mariadb:3306
Attempt 1 to connect to redis-queue:6379
Attempt 1 to connect to redis-cache:6379
Attempt 1 to connect to redis-socketio:6379
Connections OK
Migrating xxx
Updating DocTypes for frappe : [========================================]
Updating DocTypes for erpnext : [========================================]
Updating customizations for Address
[2021-01-09 05:56:50 +0000] [24] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.10.0
[2021-01-09 05:56:50 +0000] [24] [INFO] Listening at: (24)
[2021-01-09 05:56:50 +0000] [24] [INFO] Using worker: gthread
[2021-01-09 05:56:50 +0000] [27] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 27
[2021-01-09 05:56:50 +0000] [28] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 28

I didn’t get you? not able to login?

Problem Solved
Works after restarting all container

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