Delivery Note Appears as Delivery Chalan on ERPNext Cloud

I am on ERPNext Cloud and Delivery Note now appears as Delivery Chalan.

I am not sure how this happened as I have not made this change.

I looked under Customize Form for Delivery Note and there is nothing under Change Label (via Custom Translation), which I understand would be a way of making this change.

Any idea how this could have happened and how I can revert it back to Delivery Note?

Go to “Translations” from search and remove the custom translation!

There should be a fix to remove custom translation if it is removed. I will report this on GitHub

Edit: Will be fixed in next release

There weren’t any custom translations to be removed.

I fixed it by creating a custom translation and named it Delivery Note. I then deleted this custom translation and that got it back to Delivery Note now without the need of having a custom translation.