Deliver percentage from item Quantity

when i try to deliver 30% from item with quantity 1 and it has uom % i got
Quantity (0.3) cannot be a fraction in row 1

who i can do that

Two options:

First: Allow Item UoM to have fractions:

Else, Second: Enter Item Qty in Sales Order as 100. In the Delivery Note, make it 30 (for 30% billing).

Thanks Umair

I did the first and it’s working but Qty displayed like 0.300 how i can make it like 30% to be easy to read in Delivery Qty Report i change the Qty field type to percent but no change happen

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That is not configurable for now. Perhaps you can add 30% in the item description or add a Custom Field to convey it. Since Qty field doesn’t have readable value, you can hide it from the Print Format.


Dear Umair

please give me more explanation what do you mean about " add a Custom Field to convey it. Since Qty field doesn’t have readable value "