Customer name in Opportunity is saved as email id if we append email directly to opportunity

Customer name in Opportunity is saved as email id if we append email directly to there any possibility to save it as customer name instead of email id

When you create a lead,you enter Organization Name and email ID in there.After that when you make opportunity from Lead,it copies Organization name into customer name/lead name and email id to contact email in the contact info section.So if you are entering the correct organization name in the lead, then you should be fine.

Lead and opportunity is automatically creating when email is attached to opportunity module,issue only when opportunity and lead is automatically created.

@Hafees_Kazhunkil Can you check what is the email account name in Email Account for that Customer/Lead. And also what is the Person Name in Lead which is created.

In Lead Person name saved as email id.Organisation Name is blank

@Hafees_Kazhunkil You might have to change the Person Name on Lead manually since name is not set at Email Account.