Custom script on_update_after_submit example?

Can anyone explain custom script for on_update_after_submit?

frappe.ui.form.on("Quotation", "on_update_after_submit", function(frm) {
    msgprint("Quote is updated");

We have allow on submit fields, We need do some calculation after submit, so i tried above script, but this is not working.

Which version of ERPnext are you using? If it is Version 5, there is an option in the ‘Customize Form’ tab that allows update after submit.

I am writing custom script. I have successful added fields which is editable after submit.

The problem is, in validate event, fields only validated before submit, not after submit and update event.
We need some event, which run script after submit and before update of fields.

HI @kolate_sambhaji,

Any update on this?

Use trigger ‘refresh’

I think you can validate using frappe.throw if document is already submitted.

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