Creating custom naming format in item name

How can we create custom name in the name field while entering new items in stock

Hi Risha,

Welcome to ERPNext. Here’s hoping you have an awesome experience with ERPNext and here on the community.

Can you please provide more details of what you are trying to do? Like there is the Item Name field and you can assign any Item Name in this field. But it has to be provided by the user.

Are you saying that you want to use some logic to convert, say the Item Code into the Item Name? If it is something like or close to this, you have to use some scripting to be able to do this.



I have same items of different specs in my inventory like 1000W 10R RC Heater, 1000W 5R RS Heater
So how can i make a fixed format with which we can enter the items in same format to avoid duplicacy of data?

Hi Risha,

It’s an interesting problem you have. Many organizations deal with the same problem. If you can break it down into Item Attributes, use as many attributes as required to uniquely identify each item, you can then simply concatenate the item attribute values into the Item Code, or have a alphanumeric code for each attribute value and you concatenate the alphanumeric code into the item code.

When setting up items you don’t allow people to key in the item code, but they have to select the attributes. If the attributes resolve into an item that already exists on your instance of ERPNext, you throw a message saying Item exists and Item Code is 1234. If it does not resolve into an item code, the item is setup.

Not sure if that sounds complicated, but that’s the only way to really be able to avoid duplicate items being setup. That of course adds other complexities which is: How do you setup items that do not resolve into Item Attributes?

Ultimately you need an optimum mix of good sense (to verify whether an item already exists), controls (to ensure that only a few authorized people are allowed to setup items and they are aware of the standard operating procedures) and housekeeping (to detect and correct creation of duplicate items) for things to work smoothly on a structured data system.

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:



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