Can't seem to switch sites

Hello all,

I’ve got two sites setup, on new empty one that I setup and a the built-in demo.

I’ve issued the bench use demo, but all I still see is the original empty site on port 80. I know the demo site is setup, as I’ve browsed through the database and it looks like legitimate demo data.

I did use the --production switch when I setup the first site. Not sure if that would prevent me from switching sites even though the currentsite.txt contains demo.

How do I access the demo?

What commands to I need to issue to get the demo to work?

Thanks so much for any help. It’s greatly appreciated!

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While I haven’t figured out how to access the demo site, I did manage a work-around.

I did a mysqldump of both (the empty and the demo) databases, and dropped and created the empty database and restored the demo dump into it. So far so good.

However, I would still like to be able to have two sites available once we go into production. One for production data and another for demo/training/sandbox purposes.

Where might I find instructions on how to do this? I haven’t been able to find any detailed instructions on such thing in the documentation. I’m hoping I just overlooked something.

Thanks for any help, and for such a great ERP system!

@saurabh6790 can you reply?