Can't Change Desktop Background Style

I want to change the background of desk.
what are the possible solutions.

hi @babamoli,

either use a picture from your user settings. Or to globally change the background color, open frappe\frappe\public\js\frappe\desk.js and change the color in

frappe.ui.set_user_background = function (src, selector, style) {
	if (!selector) selector = "#page-desktop";
	if (!style) style = "Fill Screen";
	if (src) {
		if (window.cordova && src.indexOf("http") === -1) {
			src = frappe.base_url + src;
		var background = repl('background: url("%(src)s") center center;', { src: src });
	} else {
 		var background = "background-color: #627F43;";

Then, run

bench build
bench restart

Hope this helps.

thanks @lasalesi I have already solved the problem.

And what if I want to put my custom background?
In administrator settings there is an option but that was not allowed me to add image.
mean administrator setting page is just read only. I can’t edit or change anything there even I am administrator.
what is the possible solution?