Cannot add new site during installation on Centos 7

Cannot Install a new local site

why are you using banch as root??

[nicefiddler@localhost frappe-bench]$ sudo bench new-site site2.local

anyway did you try to login to the db from the terminal?

(1045, "Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)")

login from terminal as root:

$ mysql -uroot -p

You should be sure, that you have correct password. And the rights to access from localhost.
You can try for example phpmyadmin to manage db if you are not familiar with cli …

Sorry. I used phpmyadmin to configure the db user. Thereafter, I did a clean install of OS and tried the easy method and I got this

OK. Installed sucessfully, passwords were printed, but the file is not there at /root or /home/$USER.
Meanwhile, I have made a new post, as even the login is not working at localhost:80 or localhost:8080 or localhost:8000