Bug at Report when using multi currency

Company Currency is MMK

Supplier Currency is SGD

Purchase Invoice

Account Payable Report, added Total Columns
Amount shown correctly but Currency was not shown correctly, it shown based currency

Not able to replicate this, which version of 12 again?

I’m using ERPNext: v12.5.2 (version-12) (self hosted on vps)

at ERPNext Cloud same issue happening

can someone help, thanks?
Purchase Invoice

Account Payable Report

How was the Supplier created ?

Did you choose the right Currency AND the right Accounts payable ?

Most users forget to choose the right Accounts payable for the currency


Billing Currency at Supplier is SGD

exchange rate

Like I said please check the Accounts payable ledger you chose for the Supplier

By default the system will choose the default local currency creditors account if nothing is chosen.

You have to create a foreign currency creditors account for each currency you transact in. You should then attach this to the foreign currency supplier when it is created and before a transaction is done on that Suppliers account.

Hope this solves the issue

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at COA

at Supplier

hope I did it correctly
at report, amount is correct but currency code is not

Can anyone help me, how to solve it out?

Global Settings, Hide currency symbol ‘No’ will happened above case

can anyone advise?