Asset Depreciation Import tool

When importing data for Assets … the system does not allow past DATES …
How can i add the information as the client requires this info on the system as the Asset is not yet finished (depreciation).
Or should i have the work of calculating the missing values or months from the current date to import ?

Also the Opening value is 17,645.65 and the Expected is set as 0 but the below error is shown …and if i change the value to same (17,645.65) give me another error message.

Error for row (#24) : {“message”: “Next Depreciation Date is entered as past date”, “indicator”: “red”, “title”: “Warning”}

{“message”: “Expected value after useful life must be greater than or equal to 17645.65”, “indicator”: “red”}

My mistake when adding the data … missed a number 1 to avoid the message Expected value …
while the previous date i had to calculate the Asset Depreciation until the previous month and when entered the system updated.
Is working so we can close this.