Add Link of Report on Module Page

Hi Community Experts,

I am trying to build custom app recently and I come to this issue:
I created a custom app which will use with ERPNext, and I created a Custom Script Report. I am able to add it in my custom module workspace, but when I try to add the link to the ERPNext Accounting Module, it is not working.

I followed this official documentation to add a file in the config folder but it is not working.

Here is my folder structure:

  • frappe-bench
    • apps
      • custom-app
        • custom-app
          • config

Here is the code:

from frappe import __

def get_data():
return [
		"label": __("Custom Reports"),
		"icon": "icon-paper-clip",
		"items": [
				"type": "report",
				"is_query_report": False,
				"name": "Profit and Loss Statement Custom",
				"doctype": "GL Entry"

Then I come through this YouTube video where the instructor also facing the same issue.

Is this method deprecated? I can achieve it by editing the “Accounting” workspace but is there a way to achieve this using coding in custom app so that whenever the custom app is install, it will insert the custom report/doctype to a standard module workspace?

Thanks in advance.