You hit the rate limit because of too many requests, please try after sometime

When I go to forgot password and I put my Email, It show :

You hit the rate limit because of too many requests, please try after sometime


How to solve this problem, Plz ?

I wait a time and I try again many time, but same, It show same message.

Any solution for that, please ?

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I currently have the same issue. Have you been able to resolve it?

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In a related issue, we are encountering the “Too Many Requests” error very often on sites with a lot of activity

frappe/ at version-13 · frappe/frappe · GitHub)

Current workaround is either to wait till the top of the hour when it automatically resets or to reboot the server! Is there anywhere to set the rate limit from the UI? We need a solution urgently as it’s becoming a bit of a nuisance


I am using and I get the same error message, even I use the system rarely.

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Since this is the first post that you get when you search for the error message, here’s how you fix it in Version 14. Look in the “Password” section of the System Settings for relevant parameters, including rate limit and expiration of password change requests.

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you can restart your server using command: bench start