Where do I start Learning ERPNext from

Hello Everyone,

I’m new to erpnext. I would like to know from where do I start to learn from beginner to advance level.

My major concerns are

  1. If I want to do an implementation for my business do I need to know coding or do I just follow an youtube video and just upload the related files on digitalocean or aws server and start setting up.

  2. If I require coding where would I actually be using it.

I’m exited about this. I think it should be what you are looking for.

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Most probably no, at least to begin with. You can setup an ERPNext instance using Frappe Cloud
Also the idea of ERPNext is to provide everything batteries included, it has all the objects you would need to record transactions.

You require coding for advanced customisations which require some scripting. For example, you want to calculate values based on certain fields, then you need to code it, but chances are that whatever you need is already there. Spin up a trail instance and give it a shot.

Some good resources for learning are

  1. Official ERPNext Documentation
  2. ERPNext Youtube Channel
  3. Channels run by other community Members
  4. Frappe School
  5. ERPNext Discuss Forum !

Happy Learning !